Wednesday 27 August 2008

Mp3 music: Sia


Artist: Sia: mp3 download


R&B: Soul


Sia's discography:

Lady Croissant

 Lady Croissant

   Year: 2007   

Tracks: 9
Colour the Small One

 Colour the Small One

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 12
Healing Is Difficult

 Healing Is Difficult

   Year: 2002   

Tracks: 11

Sia (broad diagnose Sia Furler) hails from the famously laid-back Australian city of Adelaide. Boasting a powerful, soulful spokesperson, she worked the Adelaide jazz lap during the '90s as a singer for the band Crisp. However, the blond, blue-eyed antipodean's big break came solely after she followed in the footsteps of many other Aussie artists and hopped on a planing machine to the U.K. While in London, Sia landed a gig as a reserve singer for the very popular and super rosebush hip English outfit Jamiroquai. In early 2000, she released her first solo single, the alternative down tune "Taken for Granted," which debuted at identification number ten on the busy U.K. singles chart.

Soon after, a twine of bad name calling in the British music scene asked for Sia's services; projects with Massive Attack, Zero 7, and William Orbit ensued. In mid-2001, Sia once over again made a splosh on the U.K. singles chart with the moody offering "Drink to Get Drunk," a track that would appear on her 2002 full-length debut, Healing Is Difficult. Ironically, it was only after her considerable succeeder abroad that she began to make believe a veridical impingement down under. Vividness the Small One appeared a year later. The track "Breathe Me" from the album gained attention when it was secondhand in the work out terminal setting of the 6 Feet Under series that airy in 2005. After a successful 2006 circuit, as intimately as more appearances on Zero 7's album Garden, Sia issued the live album Lady Croissant, which also included the new studio outspoken, "Pictures."

Sunday 17 August 2008

Virgin Records sues Jared Leto's band for $30M

Hardcore fans of 30 Seconds to Mars aren't the entirely ones wHO want

Thursday 7 August 2008

Kid Massive Feat Robert Owens

Kid Massive Feat Robert Owens   
Artist: Kid Massive Feat Robert Owens




   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 2


Wednesday 25 June 2008

The Charlie Daniels Band

The Charlie Daniels Band   
Artist: The Charlie Daniels Band




   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 14

A Merry Christmas to All   
 A Merry Christmas to All

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12

The Roots Remain (cd3)   
 The Roots Remain (cd3)

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 15

The Roots Remain (cd2)   
 The Roots Remain (cd2)

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 15

The Roots Remain (cd1)   
 The Roots Remain (cd1)

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 15

Roots Remain (cd3)   
 Roots Remain (cd3)

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 15

Roots Remain (cd2)   
 Roots Remain (cd2)

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 15

Roots Remain (cd1)   
 Roots Remain (cd1)

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 15

Listen Up!   
 Listen Up!

   Year: 1990   
Tracks: 10

Fire on the Mountain   
 Fire on the Mountain

   Year: 1990   
Tracks: 9


Tim Russert: is warmly remembered on 'Meet the Press' on Sunday

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Foxy Brown - Brown Dating Ross

FOXY BROWN has fallen for fellow rapper RICK ROSS after the pair teamed up in the studio.

Brown - real name Inga Marchand - and Ross have been working on new material together.

But after spending so much time together, the couple is now an item, reports

A source tells the website, "They are in fact a couple. Rick Ross swept her off of her feet and this is gonna (be) the next big hip-hop couple. They both are in love."

See Also

Friday 13 June 2008

Duffy - Duffy I Wont Choose Fame Over Friends

Welsh singer DUFFY has refused to trade in her quality of life for fame's never-ending professional commitments - because she wants to enjoy herself while she can.

The 23-year-old - real name Aimee Ann Duffy - has declared the things she cares most about are food, friends and fun - and insists she won't be giving up these luxuries for the sake of her career.

She says, "The other night I was thinking what I want from life. It sounds really basic and sad, but I just want to eat good food, hang out with my friends and laugh until I cry.

"If I have to be up at 6am for work there's a good chance I will be out until 3am. I could deprive myself and be completely anal but what would be the point?

"I want to balance my career with life, friends and mistakes."

See Also

David R. Maracle

David R. Maracle   
Artist: David R. Maracle

New Age


Spirit Flutes   
 Spirit Flutes

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 15


   Year: 1991   
Tracks: 12

Natural Resources   
 Natural Resources

   Year: 1990   
Tracks: 13


Irma Thomas to sing on "Extreme Makeover"

'American Idol' Recap: David Cook Continues To Sizzle; Syesha Mercado Finally Fizzles Out

Tuesday night's penultimate "Idol" performance show reminded us that after three long months, the seventh season crown will go to either "a high school student," "an actress" or "a barrrrtender." (Considering who we started with this year, it's a good thing America voted the way it did, otherwise Seacrest would have had to refer to a male stripper, a sushi waitress, a horse whisperer, a Rastafarian, a failed major-label pop star or a bald failed pop star instead.)

The remaining contestants each had three songs to perform: judge's choice, contestant's choice and producer's choice. (I hope Nigel Lythgoe allowed executive producer Cecile Frot-Coutaz in on the conversations. Going by her name alone, I bet she has a lot of spunk.)

Before I start ranting about how excited I was to see my celeb crush in the audience -- How you doin', Emily VanCamp? And, um, Marilu Henner? -- let's get right to the performances!

Round One: Judge's Choice

David Archuleta: Billy Joel's "And So It Goes"

Syesha Mercado: Alicia Keys' "If I Ain't Got You"

David Cook: Roberta Flack's "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"

Winner: David Cook

Perhaps taking a cue from my top-three recap last year, "Idol" finally ditched the outdated "fax-the-contestants" conceit and had the judges "texting" the singers their song choices instead. Notable exception here was David Archuleta, who received the news from Murray, Utah's current mayor, Dick Dastardly. But I understand why Paula didn't text David A. Last time she messaged a young male contestant, it came back to haunt her. (Cue "Paulatics.")

Abdul's pick for the young whippersnapper was Billy Joel's heartbreaking "And So It Goes," because, as she explained, "[It] shows the level of difficulty in the melodies that I know you can handle." Say what you will about Joel, but a difficult-melody writer he is not. I think somebody switched Paula's Storm Front CD with the score to Sondheim's "Company."

The musically emancipated Archuleta was adventurous with the arrangement. Instead of going the obvious piano-man route, the prodigy went a cappella (or as I will now call it, Arch-Cappella) and landed in a sea of lush strings. I know a lot of critics are going to gripe that a 17-year-old doesn't have the life experience to convincingly sing lyrics about "wounds from lovers' past," but all things considered, I think Li'l David connected to the tune shockingly well, save for an unfortunate lyric slip that turned one line into "[sneeze] so will you soon, I suppose."

Next up was the show's ultimate fighter, Syesha, who, despite being in the bottom more than a proctologist, still thinks she has a chance at winning this damn show. Note to self: When your "Idol" homecoming is so uneventful and desolate that the only usable footage is you, alone in the back of a limo, it might be time to hang it up. Syesha took a serviceable, if forgettable, stab at Alicia Keys' soulful lament, but I got a sneaking suspicion that the judges worked harder in selling Syesha than she did. Although, in Simon's defense, he called out Randy for picking a song that didn't allow Syesha to show us something new, (an especially good point, since Syesha belted this tune the last time she was on a reality show).

Which brings us to Simon's choice for David Cook, Roberta Flack's "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face." Cook's performance was like a 90-second greatest-hits reel. Drastic re-imagining of a pop song? Check. Surprisingly tender vocals? Check. Heart-stopping high note that leaves you slack-jawed? Check check check. Plus, thanks to the gratuitous cutaways to his mother in the audience, he debuted a new song called "Oedipal Undertones"! No wonder Simon called this Cook's "best performance to date." But I could have done without the bonus track, when David blurted out post-judging, "Oh, by the way, Mom -- happy belated Mother's Day." Dude, admitting that you forgot Mother's Day is not the way to win over America. I'd expect a vapid mood-killing comment from Syesha, but not my Cookies!

Round Two: Contestant's Choice

Archuleta: Chris Brown's "With You" (seriously)

Mercado: Peggy Lee's "Fever"

Cook: Switchfoot's "Dare You to Move"

Winner: Argh, nobody!

Tuesday night was the first time this season that the contestants were allowed to pick a song without any contrived limitation. We finally got to see how each singer wants to market him or herself once the show's over, and after enduring round two, it's safe to say that all three of them proved that they need major career advice.

First, Ar-boo-leta showed America that after he wins "Idol," he aspires to be the next Chris Brown (Chris White?), by choosing Brown's hit "With You." Like the judges, I give the kid credit for taking a chance and not going the Josh Groban route, but watching the mini-Mormon bop back and forth while singing to his "boo" was a lot like seeing your 5-year-old nephew perform "Baby Got Back" -- unintentionally hilarious and mind-meltingly depressing. At least the irony wasn't lost on Archucutie, who told a perplexed Randy, "I understand. It's pretty weird to see a white guy [sing that song]."

It was also weird to watch Syesha audition for the Pussycat Dolls ... and fail miserably, by singing the sultry (and ancient) "Fever." Syesha brought a chair onstage -- I guess the season-seven rule book allows the contestants to use instruments and props! -- but unfortunately never really did anything with it. She sat on it, walked around it and then pointed at it. Shouldn't she have, like, kicked it over or something? It was the least sexy performance of "Fever" since I had that "Bea Arthur sings Peggy Lee" nightmare. Simon's right. This oddball song choice will most likely be the final nail in her "Idol" coffin.

And lastly, there was David Cook who apparently thinks the winning formula for a hit song is 90 percent low moan-y voice and 10 percent off-key shouting. If that were the case, Tom Waits would dominate "TRL."

Round Three: Producer's Choice

Archuleta: Dan Fogelberg's "Longer"

Mercado: Gia Farrell's "Hit Me Up" (from "Happy Feet")

Cook: Aerosmith's "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing"

Winner: David Cook

It's one thing to be frustrated with young performers who don't yet know how to pick a song. It's a whole different ball of wax to be livid with television producers who have at least seven years' experience and yet are so completely off the mark. Dan Fogelberg was bad enough. (Even the earnest Archupuppy looked bored to tears warbling that dreadful song.) But to force Syesha to sing a deep cut from the "Happy Feet" soundtrack? Inexcusable! I'd say "Idol" producers just hate Syesha, but somebody's keeping the girl in the competition, and if message boards, Yahoo searches and iTunes sales are any indication, it sure as hell ain't America.

Comparatively, the "Idol" peeps did marginally better choosing Aerosmith's 90th comeback single for Cook. Thankfully, he replaced the Aerosmith stank with chamber-orchestra grace, but just as it was shaping up to be another "wow" moment, the full band returned in all its cacophonous glory and crapped all over the stage. Boo! (And not the kind Chris Brown likes.) Paula and Simon lapped it up, though, with one acting like their body was made of Jello and slurring, "See ya in the finals!," and the other proclaiming Cook as the night's big winner. (I'll let you decide which reaction came from which judge.)

In the end, round three demonstrated several things. It proved that "Idol" producers have no idea what they're doing. (No wonder ratings are down!) But more importantly, it showed that Cook could pull off a Diane Warren-penned cheesefest with most of his integrity intact, which will serve him well next week when he's forced to sing "This Is My Destiny Right Now" or whatever insipid ballad "America" picked as the winner's first single.

Hasty Predictions

Sorry, Syesha. You've had a better-than-expected run, but it's time for you to face reality and drop out of the presidential race, er, I mean, leave "Idol." Thanks to hideous song choices and a good-enough showing by ArchuWunderkind, your momentum died faster than that guy Serena van der Woodsen "murdered." (Don't even get me started on that one...)

So it looks like producers are going to get the David-squared finale they've been angling for since week three, after all. I don't blame them for wanting this particular showdown. It's a marketing goldmine. ArchuChild has the tween vote (and the Claymates) furiously texting, while Cook has everyone else in his corner (including, apparently, cougars).

Who are you voting for? Am I presumptuous in thinking that Syesha won't be competing next week? And did any other MTVers notice President of Programming Brian Graden sitting in the "Idol" audience? Hit me up in the comments below!

Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. And relive six seasons of "Idol" hot messes and high notes in six minutes with our video timeline.

See Also

Domenic Marte

Domenic Marte   
Artist: Domenic Marte

Latin: Dance



Tracks: 4


Angelina Jolie: 'I Didn't Want Biological Children'

Will Lil Wayne Steal Coldplay's Thunder? Yes, Say Experts

Photo: Getty Images, AFP
As everyone knows, Coldplay's life-changing new album, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends, arrives in stores next week. And, as you may have heard, it will shoot directly to the top of the charts, sell more copies than any CD ever, and save the band's once-troubled record label from imminent bankruptcy. Then, naturally, a flying unicorn will descend from heaven and Chris Martin will ride it around the world, delivering presents to all the children who believe in magic. That was the plan, we guess. But then, last week, the album leaked, and yesterday, Coldplay's record-label president got shit-canned and the band announced the postponement of its world tour citing "production delays" (perhaps the giant posters of Chris Martin's face haven't yet come back from the printer).

Now, EW is reporting that Lil Wayne's Tha Carter III (out yesterday) is set to be this week's No. 1 album, possibly moving as many as 950,000 copies, which would certainly make it the year's fastest-selling album so far. Given that Coldplay's last record, X&Y, made its chart debut with only a measly 737,000 in 2005 (back when there was still some semblance of a recording industry), and the unlikelihood that the nationwide number of CD-purchasing Coldplay fans has increased in the past three years, it stands to reason that Viva La Vida's sales will probably be overshadowed by Carter III's. Adding insult to injury is the fact that Martin's alleged friend Kanye West has launched a blog crusade to help Weezy's album crack the 1 million mark. That sound you hear is angels crying.

Lil Wayne's new CD, fueled by leaks, poised to sell more than any album so far this year [EW via Idolator]
Coldplay Postpone Start of North American Tour [Pitchfork]

Earlier: New Coldplay Album to Be Released by Headless Record Company
Leaked: Coldplay Doom Music Business, Make Album We Actually Like
First Review of New Coldplay Album Is As Overblown As Most Coldplay Songs


Artist: Blancmange



Second Helpings   
 Second Helpings

   Year: 1990   
Tracks: 12

Taking their call from a type of cooked pudding, the electronic duo Blancmange latticelike the arty, exotic dance rhythms of Talking Heads with the offbeat melodrama of early-'80s British synth kill. Consisting of Neil Arthur (vocals, guitar) and Stephen Luscombe (keyboards), Blancmange formed in London, England, in the late '70s. Originally called L360, Blancmange received immediate recognition when they sent the birdcall "Deplorable Day" to DJ Stevo, wHO added it to a compiling LP of then-unsigned new wave groups including future alternative icons care Depeche Mode and Soft Cell. Drummer Laurence Stevens was a penis of the band for a short spell, simply they finally replaced him with a brake drum political machine. Signed to London Records, Blancmange released their first two singles, "God's Kitchen" and "Feel Me," in 1982. Both records were mince hits in the U.K., the latter barely missing the Top 40 charts. Later that year, Blancmange's debut album, Happy Families, sold well on the durability of their showtime Top Ten hit, "Living on the Ceiling," which peaked at number heptad in Britain. "Living on the Ceiling" captured Blancmange's unique carry on synth crop up, throwing heavy Middle-Eastern flavors into their identical European style of order medicine. "Living on the Ceiling" was the beginning of a string of U.K. smashes; "Blind Vision" and "Don't Tell Me" both reached the Top Ten in England. Their cover of ABBA's "The Day Before You Came" was actually tied more than successful than the original, peaking at issue 22. Blancmange's 1984 LP, Mange Tout, farther accomplished the mathematical group as one of Britain's most pop electronic artists; withal, different many of their peers, the band weren't afraid of experimenting with real instruments, incorporating sitars, strings, woodwinds, and horns into their synthesized sound. But Blancmange's third gear album, 1985's Trust You Me, was a bust. The radical skint up a year later. Arthur went solo patch Luscombe formed the West India Company.

Slovak Chamber Orchestra

'Happening' ads go local in Mexico

Similar approach taken in Korea

MEXICO CITY -- Fox Mexico's unique marketing campaign behind "The Happening" has some here thinking the M. Night Shyamalan thriller contains scenes filmed in Mexico.

That's because Fox Mexico has altered the poster to give it a local flavor. The original poster depicts a line of abandoned cars on a two-lane highway leading to a U.S. city on the horizon. The Mexican one-sheets, in contrast, show a similar scene with backdrops of emblematic landmarks in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey, the nation's three largest cities.

Fox Mexico director Juan Carlos Lazo said the strategy is generating buzz in the heat of the summer blockbuster season, as "Happening" gears up to compete against such Hollywood tentpoles as "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and "The Incredible Hulk."

"The first phase of the campaign was to draw attention, and it is working," Lazo said.

But might some viewers be misled by the iconographic Mexican imagery?

"We have gotten questions if some scenes were filmed here, but it's clear that this is a foreign film when one sees the names of the director and Mark Wahlberg on the poster," Lazo said.

Meanwhile, the strategy is being tried out by Fox in Korea as well, albeit on a smaller scale. While they're not doing localized one-sheets, print ads running in papers there have utilized backgrounds that are clearly local.

"Happening" hits Mexican theaters Friday on 500 screens and opens in Korea on 230 screens.

Mark Russell in Seoul contributed to this report.

See Also